Recent Trades in Indices & Metals make big profit

Booked long position of S&P500 at 3782 (buying was advised at 3570). Then took a short position at 3782 – covered the short position at 3750. Buying was again advised at 2 levels – 3750 & 3725 with S/L 3700. Also, went long in DOW @ 30030, NASDAQ @ 11458 & RUSSELL @ 1752.

Booked profit in long position of Gold at 1735 and Silver at 21.30. Again, buying was advised yesterday (Gold at 1718 & Silver at 20.30). Booked 50% profit in Gold at 1730 & Silver at 20.82 today.

Went long in Nifty (Fut) @ 16900 & Bank Nifty (Fut) @ 38130 on Monday. Still holding long position in Nifty and Bank Nifty for today’s session.

Bought Copper at 3.46 on Wednesday – booked profit at 3.58 today.

There can be a reversal in the stock market around Friday-Monday.

We asked our positional traders to long Gold (MCX) @ 48900 & Silver (MCX) @ 55000.

USD/INR: Subscribers went long in USD/INR at 78.00 – booked profit at 82.00 and took a short position for 78.

Don’t miss the introductory offer on Dussehra. CALL + 91-9669919000 or e-mail [email protected] for details. Feel confident in your trading with market timing services.

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