Market drops post Saturn-Mars transition/Israel-Iran issue

Equity indices witness significant drop owing to the geopolitical situation post Saturn-Mars transition as predicted in the Daily Newsletter. Below are the recent trade recommendations shared with our subscribers- Recent trades:
  • Short position in S&P 500 @ 5250 – covered at 5140 and made long position which was booked at 5169
  • Took another short position in S&P 500 @ 5169 – covered @ 5056.
  • Short position in DOW @ 39200 – covered @ 37680
  • Short position in NASDAQ @ 18400 -covered @ 17700
  • Short position in RUSSELL @ 2130-covered @ 1971
We’ve been warning about the volatility in the stock market. News headlines might not tell you everything you need to know about what’s coming next. Our tips can help your investments do better. Want to know more? Email us at [email protected] or call +91-9669919000.
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Mr. Rajeev prakash agarwal financial astrologer

Mr. Rajeev Prakash