Heartfelt Congratulations to NAMO and Apology

When we had made the prediction about Narendra Modi. We had said that Modi is undergoing Rahu dasha, which is very beneficial for him and forming a raj yoga karak.
Last time as well, when Modi ji won Gujrat elections, it was the same Rahu dasha that he was undergoing.
This time, when we were predicting we mentioned that BJP’s horoscope is weak but Modi’s horoscope is very positive. Analysing the two aspects, we did a mistake in the number of seats that could be won. One of the key reasons why we failed was, this time, votes weren’t asked in name of BJP but Narendra Modi. At this point, Modi’s horoscope empowered his victory ferociously and made him a historical victory in the history of Indian politics.
We accept our mistake made in predicting about the same.

We should not forget to mention that Narendra Modi’s horoscope is very positive for India as a nation. On 19th June when Jupiters enters Cancer, his work will improve and definitely, a new era of development would be seen in the Republic of India.
In coming time, under Modi’s leadership, BJP’s situation would improve. And for a long time, Indian National Congress is almost finished.

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