Happy Holi- Get Annual Letter 2019 and 15 days extension on quarterly subscription

Team AstroDunia wishes you Happy Holi, the Indian festival of colors!

Special Holi Offer on Membership:

Get 15 days of extension on live astrological signals in stocks/commodities/ FOREX /bonds and Annual Letter 2019 absolutely FREE with a quarterly subscription. Call 9301717647 or 9669919000 or e-mail [email protected] for details.
Quarterly Charges for Indian Stock Market: 30,000 INR | Indian Commodities Market: 40,000 INR | International Equity Market: 1,500 USD | International Commodities  + Stock Market: 2,000 USD| Daily Newsletter: 1,000 USD. Pay via PayPal or Indian Credit Card.

Special March Combo:
Subscribe to Annual Letter 2019 and get 2 weeks of Daily /Weekly Newsletter.
USP about Annual Letter 2019:

  • Daily trend chart for Bullion
  • Major trend turn dates for stocks, precious metals, industrial metals, currencies and agricultural products.
  • Emphasis on the global geopolitical situation
  • Decrypting Indian politics in the year ahead
  • Planetary changes & transits in 2019
    Order AL 2019 via PayPal
    Order AL 2019 via Indian Credit/Debit Card


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Mr. Rajeev Prakash