Weekly view of stocks, commodity and FOREX (20-24 August 2012)

Eid Mubarak


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Weekly View of Global Financial Market & Commodities

(20-24th August 2012)

20th August 2012- (Monday) –

Last week, my astrological view was correct. Gold, EUR/USD, Crude Oil & Copper remained strong. Furthermore, Crude Oil & Copper touched my target of $96 & $340. This remarks the accuracy of financial astrology.

This week is expected to be highly volatile for Bullion, Crude Oil, Copper, EUR/USD, S&P, Dollar Index, Nifty & Bank Nifty.

Both side trend to be seen. We recommend you to buy on dips and sell on rise.

Gold is expected to be strong against Silver.

Trading Range for the week:

  • GOLD: 1590-1625-1630
  • SILVER: 27.70-28.40-28.60
  • EUR/USD: 1.2260-1.2380-1.2405
  • (SPOT) NIFTY: 5320-5420-5440
  • DOLLAR INDEX: 82.20-82.80-83.00
  • CRUDE OIL: 93.50-96.50-98.00
  • USD/INR: 55.20-56.20
  • S&P: 1414-1424


Detailed Astrological View For The Week:

20th August 2012 : volatile to positive.

Profit booking to be seen at higher levels.

21st August 2012: volatile and bearish trend is observed. This shall continue till 22nd August 2012 afternoon (IST).

22nd August 2012: market to be positive with volatility from 12.30 HRS (IST) to 23rd August 2012.

23rd August 2012: Big up move is seen in bullion, crude oil, copper and other base metals.  Global stock markets to witness upward movement.  EUR/USD to also see big up move.

But you should keep alert in late night. Profit booking is possible.

24th August 2012: Both side move to be seen. Follow the policy of “Buy on dip & sell on rise.”

ALERT: Big up move in bullion, base metals, stock market, EUR/USD, Crude Oil in next week (27th August – 31st August 2012). Positional investors need to wait till 15th September 2012 so as to accumulate long positions during possible sharp fall. After 15th September, sharp rise to continue till 15th November 2012.  A highly bullish trend is seen in this time –frame in Bullion, Base metals, EUR/USD & indices.

Range for 20th August 2012:

  • GOLD: 1608-1620-1624
  • SILVER: 27.90-28.20-28.40
  • EUR/USD: 1.2305-1.2380-1.2400
  • DOLLAR INDEX: 82.50-82.20
  • CRUDE OIL: 95.50-96.50-97.00

S&P: 1814-1824

Disclaimer: This is only an indicative report. These are not live trading calls. Neither MADPL nor any of its members shall be liable for any profit / loss that you make. This is a guideline only and the decision has to be taken after logical thinking by you.

We provide live trading calls for investors in MCX, COMEX, NYMEX. Visit astrodunia.com for details.

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