Victory of the COMMON MAN & Salute to Anna Hazare

Time and again, after 64 years of independence, it’s for the first time that the whole of Indian Parliament had to accept the demands of the common man. The credit definitely goes to The Second Gandhi of India- Shri Anna Hazare and his team (Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal, Prashant Bhushan, Manish Sisodiya & the other members of Civil Society).

It was because of their worthy efforts as well as the will of common people in India that this campaign AGAINST CORRUPTION became an international concern.

राज करेगा अब आम आदमी

देश के दुसरे गाँधी श्री अन्ना हजारे को हमारा नमन

Probably, this is not the victory yet but it does show the power of common man in a democracy..

This campaign has ignited a new path of “clean” politics which will destine the common man to use his democratic abilities for the welfare of citizens of India.

Team Astrodunia and all associates salute Shri Anna Hazare for creating a spark in the common man regarding the POWER of a common man.

Let’s hope that, this campaign in favor of national interest keeps continuing and create political, social awareness among Indians.

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