Testimonial from a Recent Subscriber

I have been a subscriber since the last 3 months. The service I get is very personalized and caters to my asset class needs. Rajeev Ji covers me personally and so far has done a tremendous job in catching even the small themes in the fx/interest rates/bullion markets. I get 5-7 calls from him everyday to keep in the loop with the astrological changes and how they would impact the financial markets. I must admit that I cannot think of any negatives in this superb offering from Astrodunia! Thanks once again Rajeev Ji for the great help!

– name withheld (Forex/interest rates trader in a reputed foreign bank based out of Singapore)

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  1. Rajeev Prakash Avatar
    Rajeev Prakash

    We have a strict privacy policy for our corporate clients. We do not disclose their names without their consent.

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Mr. rajeev prakash agarwal

Mr. Rajeev Prakash