Technical View- 29th August 2012

Technical view about Indian Stock Market on 29th August 2012


Technical View- Equities                                                                                                                                                                                                                 28th August 2012
NIFTY-                          5350.25 5290 5375 Nifty has failed to sustain above 5400 &

we could see a further decline to

5250- 5290. Advise initiating

short pos. at 5375- 5380

with a stop at 5400

for a p.t. of 5290- 5300

5250 5450
BANK NIFTY- 10150.4 10110 10370 B.N. broke a very crucial support

& closed below 10300.

Near term support at 10100- 10110.

Short at the break of 10050

with a stop at 10150 for a p.t. of 9810- 9900

9900 10400
HCL TECH-                              558.55 554 567 Traing call remains the same as yesterday.

Short at 565- 567 with a stop at 572

for a p.t. of 554- 557.

Short also at the break of 550 with a stop at 556 for a p.t. of 542- 543

542 575
BHARTI-     249.15 247 251 Today’s range: 247- 254.

Short Bharti at 254- 255 with a stop at 258 for a p.t. of 247- 249

233 254
L&T-                               1396.6 1375 1400 L&T has broken down to close below crucial supports

at 1400- 1420 & could be

headed to 1350.

Short in the 1410- 1420 range with

a stop at 1430 for a p.t. of 1375- 1380

1345 1420
HINDALCO-  110.1 110 111 Trend continues to remain weak.

Close below 110, prices will quickly slip

to 100- 102.

Short at the break of 109, with a stop at 112

for a p.t. of 102- 104.

106 114
Pl Note:
1. All values are based on cash/ spot prices
Disclaimer: The content of this technical report is based on various technical fundamentals researched upon by the technical staff of (MAA ASTRO DUNIYA PRIVATE LIMITED), based out of Indore. This is a guideline ONLY! And the decision has to be taken after logical thinking by you. Neither M.A.D.P.L. nor it’s team members shall be liable for any sort of personal or financial gains and losses.
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