The Spirit at Astrodunia

If you are a frequent visitor with our website, you must have known that we have always made predictions in a very advance time frame.

Team Astrodunia has always given a long term view for free with a very clear language. We have never ever used any sort of ambigous statement.
The nature of stock and commodity market depends on very sensitive news and concerns. There’s no person who can forecast the market with 100% accuracy, be it a technical analyst or an astrologer.
But still, we try our best to provide you with a guideline that aims at above 90% accuracy.

Also you must never forget that, ours was the ONLY website in 2008 to forecast more than one lower circuit in the Indian stock market in January 2008 (before 24 January). This was advertised on all leading newspapers such as MID-DAY, DAINIK BHASKAR, NAI DUNIYA, AGNI BAAN, GUJRAT SAMACHAR, ECONOMIC TIMES (DELHI) on 5th January 2008.

Our work has always been genuine and we have worked extremely hard for maintaining it’s quality and building lifelong business relations with our clients. Many of our clients have become more than friends and family to us. Our clients very well know how friendly and professionally we have build relations beyond being a service provider.  We are really happy working with them through out the day and seriously enjoy it!

Last year in December 2011, we had clearly specified the overall trend of the year monthwise. We had asked our visitors to buy Gold and Silver at lower level in January 2012. Gold was at 1520 and silver was at 26.20. In India the price was 26,600 and 48,000 respectively for Gold and Silver. We had already given the target of 28500-29000 & 60,000.
These targets were successfully achieved.
You should also note that we update the website very frequently and cover analysis of stock and commodity market.
Our company has been very honest with it’s predictions. The prediction be right or wrong, we have always supported truth.
Satyamev Jayate!
We must not forget to mention that we have always been equipped to provide all of our clients with 24×7 support. We answer almost all of the telephone calls that we receive. We are not like others, who switch off their phones and disconnect phone lines when their predictions go wrong. Also to add that, in this statement we literally mean 24×7!! (We work right from 5.00 AM in the morning till 1.30 AM in the mid-night-next day). We have a team of highly qualified people who work through out the day to deliver the best service to our clients across the globe. We are truly committed to provide ONLY the best of what we can.

With Best Wishes,

Team Astrodunia


Our team has always strived hard for our visitors and esteemed clients. And it’s their support that has lead us to such a long journey.
You must not forget to catch the ‘HAPPY DISCOUNT OF 30%’. Call us on +91-9669919000 for details or send an e-mail to [email protected]


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2 responses to “The Spirit at Astrodunia”

  1. gagan jain Avatar
    gagan jain

    ur prediction for today is great in commoidty section but ur charges r too much for small traders.

    1. Rajeev Prakash Avatar
      Rajeev Prakash

      Charges aren’t really high. Do you know that we literally provide 24×7 support?? Maintaining an office and providing live support through out the day costs money. Furthermore, all of the SMS that you will receive is through the best TRANSACTIONAL route!
      Moreover, we are about to introduce a mini package for small traders (who are trading only mini or micro lots) who wish to make intra-day positions only. Keep your eyes on the website! The offer will be up any time but is going to be available only for a very limited time period. Grab your subscription! This will include ONLY INTRA-DAY calls and no positional or overnight trading strategy will be served.

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Mr. rajeev prakash agarwal

Mr. Rajeev Prakash