Our prediction in weekly and daily letter turns out to be true

Here’s an excerpt from the weekly letter:

Global Equity Indices

Stock market is expected to be highly bearish in the current week. Today, trend may be volatile but slight recovery is possible. Next day onwards, the negative trend shall start dominating the market. The most bearish day of the week is supposed to be Wednesday.

On Thursday and Friday, slight recovery may be observed but overall, market is bearish. Next Monday shall also be bearish.

You are advised to short S&P500 at 2105. In the current week, it can drop to 2050-2020 or lower.

Last week’s Friday, a low of 2078 was made by S&P500 FUT.

US election is scheduled on 8th November 2016.

Precious Metals

Venus shall move to Sagittarius – owing to this, a highly positive trend may be observed by 8th or 9th November 2016. Gold may move up to 1340 or higher while Silver may move up to 19.50 or higher in this bull run.

On the lower side, Gold can drop to 1284 while Silver can drop to 17.

On Thursday and Friday, profit booking is indicated. Next week’s Monday onwards, it shall enter recovering mode.


EUR/USD can move up to 1.1180-1.1200 in next 2 days. It is advisable to accumulate long position in EUR/USD on dips.

Indian Stock Market

Indian market shall be volatile to slightly positive for the day. By Wednesday, Nifty can drop below 8400.

Short Nifty around 8520-8550 and Bank Nifty around 19400.



Here’s an excerpt from Tuesday’s Daily Newsletter:

Global Equity Indices

Today, it is the US presidential election. Market may experience profit booking at higher level. Next day, market may turn negative. As per astrology, next day is one of the most negative days of the week. As per astrology, next day is more supportive for Donald Trump but if Hillary Clinton emerges victorious then too, the results will be really close. Market shall decline.

You are advised to trade with caution and use a S/L as market could be opposite of our expectation in case the prediction goes wrong.

Today, it is expected to drop down to 2100. You are advised to book 50% profit around 2100 and hold rest position with S/L for next day.

Precious Metals

Bullion shall be bullish for the day. Today, gold can move up to 13?? while Silver can move up to 18.80. If the expected targets are achieved today, you must book 50% profit today itself and hold rest with s/l for tomorrow.

MCX traders shall book 75% profit in bullion at higher level on closing. Carry forward only 25% position for next day.

Indian Stock Market

Indian market shall experience profit booking in the second half. Next day shall be negative.

With S/L of 8600. short Nifty.


Donald Trump won as per our expectations and the equities declined while bullion is moving up! We hope you like our predictions! One of the characteristic of our content is crisp and clear words. In case you don’t wish to miss such key updates, subscribe to our services.

PS: We’ve started accepting pre-orders for Annual Letter 2016. [Special Offer on Subscription to Daily Newsletter & Live Trading Signals]. For details e-mail [email protected] / call +91-9669919000


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