Prediction for Commodity, Currency and Stocks on 29th January 2013

Global Stock Indices:

Today, stock market is highly volatile. Recovery shall be seen from lower level and US shall be volatile to positive for the day.

All global stock markets shall turn positive from tomorrow.

And it shall continue positivity till weekend.

Stock market shall be bullish with volatility till 14th February 2013 or 18th February 2013.

BUY S&P 500 on dips. S&P can reach 1,520 -1,545 in coming days.

Precious & Industrial Metals:

As per our expectation, bullion didn’t move yesterday.

But today, we expect it to be volatile till noon and some bounce back is possible.

Mercury shall change house and enter in Leo sign (navmansha) and purva falguni nakshtra shall start from 17.30 HRS (IST).

Good rise shall be observed in evening session in bullion. It shall continue till tomorrow’s evening.  But tomorrow in US hours, some correction is possible in Bullion from higher level.

However, again positive opening shall be seen on 31st January 2013.

Buy bullion on dips and hold till tomorrow.

If our astrological view goes right for the day then Gold, Silver can cross 1,675, 32.00 respectively.  If these levels are crossed then by tomorrow’s evening, it can reach above 1,684, 32.40 respectively for Gold & Silver.

With a stop loss of 1,648  & 30.45 hold long position till tomorrow.

Copper is volatile to positive for the day.

Copper and base metals are positive for today and tomorrow.

Crude Oil is volatile to positive for the day. Good rise shall be seen tomorrow.

With a stop loss of 95.00 hold long position for target 98.00-99.00+.

Some pressure shall continue in Natural Gas.



Trading Range (29th January 2013):

  • EUR/USD:1.3390-1.3480
  • USD/INR (SPOT):54.00-53.60

Indian Stock Market:

Today, it’s the RBI policy.

Our astrological indicator says that good news shall come from RESERVE BANK OF INDIA.

Indian stock market shall be highly volatile for the day. Recovery shall be seen from lower level.

Buy Nifty & Bank Nifty on dips and hold for next 2-3 days.

Market shall be volatile to bullish for next 2 -3 days.

Trading Range (29th January 2013):

  • Nifty (Fut) :6,020-6,095
  • Bank Nifty (Fut): 12,650-12,850
BUY UNITED PHOS 133.00 144.00-147.00
BUY BOMBAY DYEING 119.00 128.00-132.00
BUY TATA MOTORS 306.00 314.00-318.00
BUY FINTECH 1149.00 1190.00-1220.00
BUY UNITECH 37.00 39.00-40.00


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