Don’t miss this offer on XMAS

Warmest greetings of the season and best wishes for happiness in the New Year with Christmas Blessings! Merry Xmas & Happy new Year!

This X-mas, we bring to you an offer that you might not like to refuse.

New Year Offer

Avail Annual Letter 2017 + 1 Month of live calls in international market for $250 or Annual Letter 2017 + 1 Month of live call in Indian (stock or commodity) market for INR 15,000 ONLY.

Don't miss the new year offer
Don’t miss the new year offer


You can make the payment by NEFT to our bank account with ICICI Bank Ltd (BENEFICIARY: ASTRODUNIA / ACC NO. 004105500654 / IFSC: ICIC0000041 / Branch: MALAV PARISAR, Indore) or use Instamojo (for Indian credit / debit card) or use Paypal (for international transfers).

Offer is valid only for orders placed by 31st December 2016.

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Mr. Rajeev Prakash