The Lunar Eclipse


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Astrology and planets influence your life. Know what this lunar eclipse may bring in your life.

The Total Lunar Eclipse starts from 23.7 HRS (15th June 2011) and ends on 03.38 HRS (16th June 2011)

This lunar eclipse is the lengthiest eclipse of this century. This eclipse will effect politics and make it volatile. Many scams may be exposed soon. The states of Gujrat and Bihar as well as states in South India may face a danger of flood.  There can be terrorist activities in the country.  Government must keep an alert regarding anti-social elements and matters such as terrorism.

The matter of Lokpal Bill may fall into a bin and Mr. Anna Hazare will have to fight a lengthy war to make his dream come true.  Inflation rates will increase by leaps and bounds. The common man will be the victim of this.

This eclipse is beneficial for the zodiacs: Mithun , Kanya, Makar and Kumbh.

It is not favorable for the zodiacs :Mesh, Vrrish, Kark, Sinha, Tula, Dhanu and Meen.

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