The Fall Had Been Indicated

06th December 2012

Global Stock Indices:

Today, Mercury shall change house (It’ll shift from Libra to Scorpio). And Sun has already change Its Navamnsha (from Sagittarius to Capricorn). Saturn will change Navmansha on 8th December 2012 (from Capricorn to Aquarius Navmansha) & Venus will change house from Libra to Scorpio on 12th December 2012. All global stock indices are volatile to “BULLISH’ till 14th December 2012.

S&P 500 will cross 1,465 but some profit should be booked today itself if you have long position in S&P500 and other indices such as HSI, NIFTY, CAC40, DAX. Because tomorrow we see a  possibility of some profit booking.

You can make fresh long positions from tomorrow closing hours and hold for next week.

Next week, global stock indices will be bullish with volatility.

Trading Range (6th December 2012):

  • DOW JONES (FUT):12,960-13,120
  • S&P 500 (FUT) :1,399-1,414
  • NASDAQ (FUT):2,608-2,655
  • FTSE (FUT): 5,840-5,940
  • CAC40(FUT):3,565-3,598
  • DAX (FUT): 7,405-7,475
  • HANG SENG IDX (FUT)22,220-22,420
  • NIFTY (SPOT):5,920-5,960

When Nifty was at 5,700 we had recommended to make long positions for target 5,950-6,000. The first target had already been hit yesterday. We’ll be able to see Nifty crossing 6,200 by 14th December 2012.

Precious & Industrial Metals:

Last week, we had sent all of our members and viewers a basic outlook for the month of December 2012 (day-wise). In that very report, we mentioned that 3rd– 5th December 2012 is a bearish period for precious metals. This prediction turned out to be correct. Hopefully, you must have enjoyed it.

The quote followed contains our “day-wise view for Month of December 2012” published last week.

Time Frame –                                     Effect

-29th to 30th November2012:        Volatile to bullish

-3rd to 5th December 2012:            Slightly bearish but market will recover from 5th eve. So please buy on DIPS.

-6th to 10th December 2012:          Volatile to bullish

-11th to 14th December 2012:       Highly bullish

-17th December 2012:                     Sharp correction is possible. Buy at lower level.

-18th -20th December 2012:           Good bullishness is expected.

-21st – 24th December 2012:         In this time, a sharp fall is possible.

-26th December 2012- 2nd January 2013:                  Big bull trend with volatility will be seen

And according to the monthly outlook, we said that 6th – 14th December 2012 will be volatile to bullish.

Today, precious metal shall recover from lower levels. This recovery will continue till tomorrow’s UK opening.  Some profit booking can come & this will bring a decline in price of Bullion.

However, again from Monday, Bullion will come up in positive tone and it’ll be positive till 14th December 2012.

By next week, Gold will reach 1,732-1,740 and Silver will reach 33.80-34.20. Positional investors should wait for 25th December 2012. Because before 25th December 2012, we see heavy ups and downs in the market.  Gold can go down to 1,674 and Silver can go down to 32.20. But, since last 2 months, we have been informing that a “BIG” bull rally will start from 27th December 2012. This rally will be strong enough to make a NEW ALL TIME HIGH in February 2013. By February 2013, we expect Gold to cross 1,900/Oz and Silver $48/Oz. In Indian commodity market, Gold will cross 33,500/10 grams while Silver will cross 72,000/kg. However the lower level before 25th December for Indian Commodity Market can be 30,800 (Feb Fut) while Silver can go down to 60,000.  Positional investors can make fresh long positions after 25th December 2012.

In short term, Copper is bullish. By January’13, Copper can cross 375.00. Since last 2 months, we have been recommending to make long position in Copper (@345.00) and it’s currently trading @367.00.

In Indian Commodity Market, we recommended to buy Copper @416.00 for target 445-455.00.

Copper crossed 445.00 in last 2 days.

Our astrological view is that Copper will reach 475.00 by January 2013 (in Indian Commodity Market).

Today’s Trading Range (6th December 2012):

  • GOLD: 1,684-1,705-1,710
  • SILVER: 32.60-33.00-33.20
  • COPPER: 364.00-368.00

Energy Products:

Crude Oil is volatile to positive for the day.

Trading Range (6th December 2012):

  • Crude Oil: 87.00-89.00
  • Natural Gas: 3.64-3.75





Trading Range (6th December 2012):

  • EUR/USD: 1.3020-1.3120 (When EURO was trading at 1.2700 that it’ll cross 1.3100 and it did so in last trading session!)
  • USD/INR (SPOT): 54.90-54.20

Indian Stock Market:

Today, Indian Stock Market shall be highly volatile but overall bullish till 14th December 2012.

Our target 5,950 for Nifty had come in last trading session.

When Bank Nifty was at 11,500 we recommended to make long position for target 12,200 and the said target had been achieved in last trading session.

In next week, Nifty can cross 6,000 and even can touch 6,200. Similarly Bank Nifty’s upper target will be 12,500-13,000.


Trading Range:-

  • Nifty Fut:5,900-5,960
  • Bank Nifty Fut: 12,180-12,380

(Updated at : 06/12/2012 7:58:19 AM (IST))

Disclaimer: The above calculations are based on astrology and technical analysis. This is an indicative report only and not to be considered as live trading calls, which is a proprietary service by our team. This report is meant for educational purpose only.


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