Big BULL RUN from Today till 14th December 2012

Global Stock Indices:

Today, all global stock indices are volatile to positive.

From today, all global indices are volatile to BULLISH till 13/14th December 2012.

Good rise to be seen in stock markets (especially in USA, DOW can cross 13,700+ by mid-December 2012., NASDAQ can cross 2,740 by the said time frame, while S&P 500 can cross 1,465 & HSI can cross 22,500+, Nifty (NSE) can go up to 5,800-6,000).

Trading Range (29th November 2012):

  • DOW JONES (FUT):12,930-13,120
  • S&P 500 (FUT) :1,401-1,412
  • NASDAQ (FUT):2,650-2,680
  • FTSE (FUT): 5,800-5,870
  • CAC40(FUT):3,490-3,540
  • DAX (FUT): 7,300-7,420
  • HANG SENG IDX (FUT):21,750-21,950
  • NIFTY (SPOT):5,705-5,760

Precious & Industrial Metals:

After the fall we saw last day, we don’t expect the lower levels of last trading session to come in December 2012.

Gold shall not break 1700 while Silver shall not break 32.80. These are very major support.

Till 14th December 2012, Gold & Silver will be really bullish.

In this time frame, Gold can achieve 1780-1820 while Silver can achieve 35.50-37.00.

Today & tomorrow, the market is bullish.

Please read the following lines: It contains our view for December 2012.

Time Frame –                                     Effect

-29th to 30th November2012:        Volatile to bullish

-3rd to 5th December 2012:            Slightly bearish but market will recover from 5th eve. So please buy on DIPS.

-6th to 10th December 2012:          Volatile to bullish

-11th to 14th December 2012:       Highly bullish

-17th December 2012:                     Sharp correction is possible. Buy at lower level.

-18th -20th December 2012:           Good bullishness is expected.

-21st – 24th December 2012:         In this time, a sharp fall is possible.

-26th December 2012- 2nd January 2013:                  Big bull trend with volatility will be seen

Positional traders can buy GOLD & SILVER in the fall between 21st-24th December 2012 and hold position till February 2013. By 8th Feb 2013, we expect GOLD & SILVER to make new ALL TIME HIGH. Gold can cross 1980-2000 while Silver can cross 48. And can cross 52$+ as well.


Trading Range (29th November 2012):

  • GOLD: 1,710-1732
  • SILVER: 33.60-34.20
  • COPPER: 353.00-355.50

Base metals (Nickel, Lead, Zinc, Aluminum) will also be volatile to positive.

Energy Products:

Hold long position in Oil.

Trading Range (29th November 2012):

  • Crude Oil: 85.00-89.00
  • Natural Gas: 3.75-3.84


Trading Range (29th November 2012):

  • EUR/USD: 1.2900-1.2980-1.3020
  • USD/INR (SPOT): 55.75-55.20 (IN SOME WEEKS, USD against INR can go down to 54.90-53.90)


Indian Commodity Market/ MCX:

Hold long position in Bullion. Market is bullish for today & tomorrow.

Due to the impact of USD against INR, there can be some volatility in the price of commodities.

Positional traders can hold long position in Gold with stop loss 31,700 while Silver with stop loss 61,700 for target 32,200+ & 63,500-64,500 respectively for Gold & Silver.

Buy COPPER with stop loss 428.00, it can cross 434 -436.

Buy Zinc (Dec contract) with stop loss 108.00, we expect it to achieve 111-112.

Buy Lead (Dec contract) with stop loss 120.00, we expect it to achieve 123.00.

Hold long position in Crude Oil with stop loss 4,778 for target 4,880-4,920.

Buy Aluminum with stop loss 110.40 for target 112.00-112.50.

Indian Stock Market:

Today, Indian stock market is volatile to positive.

Indian stock market will continue positivity till 14th December 2012.

Nifty future can cross 5,800-6,000.

Similarly, Bank Nifty can cross 12,200-12,500.


Trading Range:-

  • Nifty Fut:5,710-5,760
  • Bank Nifty Fut: 11,450-11,600

(Updated at : 29/11/2012 8:04:39 AM (IST))

Disclaimer: The above calculations are based on astrology and technical analysis. This is an indicative report only and not to be considered as live trading calls, which is a proprietary service by our team. This report is meant for educational purpose only.


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