Astro View on Union Budget 2011-2012

As per the planetary conditions, central government will present a highly debatable budget with lots of controversies at hands of different people. The government will try to improve it’s character sketch through the budget.  Many schemes will be launched which will appear to be in favor of common people. The schemes will perhaps be good to hear.  For the people into jobs, the government will try to benefit them by introducing schemes.  For some of the goods, subsidies will be increased, due to which financial loss will increase.  It will be difficult for the government to deal with this financial loss.  The exemption limit for income tax may be increased to a certain limit.  For increasing global trade, government will introduce beneficial schemes.  Expenditure on security of the country will highly increase.  Moreover, this budget will also have an aim to promote industries. But the month of March 2011 is not fruitful for central government. Under this period, the government will try to defend itself at various circumstances and then will be pushed towards more problems.  Many more “multi-billion” scams will be in the news.  This will affect the central government in a negative manner. Updated on  27th February 2011 @ 9.23 PM (INDIA)

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