Annual Letter 2023: Your Guide to Medium/Long-Term Investment

Annual Letter 2023: Your Guide to Medium/Long-Term Investment Opportunities

Annual Letter 2023, the 11th edition of Annual Letter, is a guide for medium/long-term investors. Allocation of assets in your portfolio will be the deciding factor for its overall performance in this state of extreme volatility. This purchase of yours will help you figure out the investment opportunities across multiple instruments in the upcoming year.

What does 2023 have for your portfolio?

Astrology reveals the best combination that can safeguard your portfolio amidst the most volatile time in history.

Some of the stock picks in the previous editions of the Annual Letter delivered an ROI in the range of 50-200% or higher. Our definitive strategies helped investors picking high-quality stocks at the bottom.

Features of Annual Letter 2023:

  • Major asset classes covered: Equity Indices, Precious & Industrial Metals, Currency Pairs, Treasury Bonds, Energy Products & Agriculture (Grains, Pulses, Edible Oil, Sugar, Cotton, Guar Gum)
  • Predictions in a timeline format from a medium/long-term perspective.
  • Suitable for investors in global markets
  • Special Focus on US & Indian stocks

It will guide you with medium and long-term investment opportunities that may not be covered by other traditional approaches.

PS: Annual Letter will be released around the first week of January 2023.

AL 2023 @ 30,999 INR

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AstroDunia is a market timing firm that uses astrology to predict market movements. The firm was founded by Rajeev Prakash, a financial astrologer with over 20 years of experience. AstroDunia has a team of expert astrologers, analysts and technocrats who use a variety of astrological techniques & advanced technologies to forecast market trends.

About Rajeev Prakash

Rajeev Prakash is the founder and CEO of AstroDunia. He is a financial astrologer with over 20 years of experience. Shashi Prakash Agarwal is an experienced market timing expert with 12 years of experience in the field. He holds an MBA in Finance from NMIMS Mumbai and an engineering degree in Computer Science. This unique combination of education and experience gives him a unique perspective on financial markets, as well as the ability to analyze market data using advanced computational tools and techniques. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a deep understanding of financial markets, with a proven track record of success in his field.

Prakash is a leading expert on the use of astrology to predict market movements. He has written several books on the subject, and he is a frequent speaker at financial conferences. Prakash is also a regular contributor to financial publications.

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Mr. Rajeev Prakash