Shri Anna Hazare: Health

PRAY TO GOD FOR HEALTH OF ANNA(The 21st Century Gandhi- Anna Hazare)

An old man at the age of 74 can stand for all the Indians amidst all the atrocities.. Astrodunia and all of it’s associates wholeheartedly support the revolution led by Shri Anna Hazare. Moreover, it’s time for the people to think about the health of Shri Anna Hazare. People should come up with a solution that ends up his fast as soon as possible. Shri Anna Hazare is the real treasure of India and it’s time for people to preserve him as national heritage. Jai Hind! We pray to god for pinkest health of Anna. VANDE MATARAM!
Desh ko saaf karo. Door karo bharshtachar

There will be a true meaning of this revolution only if the people commit to not to promote any corruption in any way (be it a small or a big one!) at their own level.  If we make this revolution a fashion, we won’t get a chance again to improve our nation. Lets promise ourselves that we will be AGAINST CORRUPTION for ever in each and every instance of life.

*Issued in Public Interest.

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