As sent on 2nd March 2015: Weekly Letter

(Weekly View as sent on 2nd March 2015)
Bullion shall be bullish in this week. Monday shall be especially positive for precious metals.
On Tuesday, weakness is expected with heavy volatility.
On Wednesday (4th March 2015), bullion shall experience a big up move especially from US opening. Bullion will make highs by 4th’s evening (IST).
On 5th, trend shall reverse and hence bullion shall move to bearish sentiment.
A sharp correction is expected on 6th March 2015.
Strategy to be used:
– Stay long on Monday; Book profit in long position at higher levels.
– On Tuesday, buy back bullion on dips.
– On Wednesday, book profit by closing hour.
– At Wednesday’s closing hour, build 50% short position. You have to hold this short position till Friday.
– On Friday, book profit in short position & make long position at closing hour.
From 9th, bullion shall again be positive. Overall, bullion shall be bullish till 19th March 2015’s closing hour.
Last week (on 25th February 2015) we had advised you to make long position on dips as we were expecting a really positive move.
Our prediction turned out to be accurate for Indian equities and Nifty almost touched 9,000 while Bank Nifty almost touched 20,000.
An up move of 1200 point was observed in Bank Nifty last week.
In this week, market shall be highly positive till Thursday. Your strategy shall be to ‘buy’ equities on dips.
Nifty can cross 9,200 while Bank Nifty can go up to 21,000 in this week.


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